What about privacy and cookies? We are keeping your privacy as best as possible and needed. How can I watch content? You can watch it directly on our site in your browser or load it down and watch later, within our terms and conditions and our copyright directive. What kind of stuff includes your content? You will find high resolution picture galleries and video, as well as fragments from behind the scenes. Does raw and cuddly mean your stuff is non edited? Be sure, nobody wants to see pics which are not edited, more. Which way you offer your stuff? We offer zipped picture galleries to you in three different resolutions for all kinds off web accesses and devices you use. You are allowed to download pics and vids within our terms and conditions and our copyright directive, that means in particular for private use on your personal item. How is download working? When left click mouse is not working: Use your right click mouse (win) or your mouse and control (mac) and do it. How to use the zip-files Files are compressed.
Use a programm like win-zip, win-rar, 7-zip etc.
to unzip them. Why do I see daily the same stuff on your site? Sorry, when we are not fast enough for you )) 'nother reasons might be you should clean your browser's cache or enable proxy. Where can I contact for help? Depends on your special problem. Go to contact. When I forgot which way I subscripted, what can I do? We recommand you to safe your subscription ID carefully. Otherwise there's only this way: Go with your subscrition-ID - or any other source that identifies you - to the biller and ask them for help. How to cancel my subscription? Go to the biller you choosed and cancel. What to do when I lost my password or username? Go to lost password. |